About Us

Our Business rating for our customer

Who we are and what drives us to deliver digital business solutions for our customer

... About

We at Quetzalinfotech family believe that knowledge has the ability to change lives.Our goal is to offer a thorough and interesting learning & Business platform that supports educators,empowers students,and encourages a life long love of learning and grow own business..

What We Do

1.We are creating social impact for our customers with technology enabled low cost high quality.
2.We socio-economic betterment of society through employment and engagement.
3. We helping businesses take data driven decisions.
4. Technological empowerment of sectors with less technological penetration.
5. Employee benefit, welfare and deep engagement.
6.We providing solutions which create impact on society/ business.
7. Empowering government with smart/ progressive technological solutions.
8. We are enabling digital transformation.
9. Guiding businesses to adopt transformative technological solution.
10. Technological empowerment of sectors with less technological penetration.





To Self: Discipline in daily life Stay committed to your wellness. Know that wellness of the body, mind and soul is essential to channelize your energy towards achieving your goals.

To People: Believe in caring If you touch the hearts of people, the possibilities are infinite. Aim to deeply connect with your team through your care, concern and empathy.

To Organization: Take ownership of delivery It is most important to get things done. Work hard and actively take help wherever required. Take personal accountability, communicate with clarity, and do the detailing to align others..


Connect Proactively. Reach out to people. Show that you care. It’s not about how experienced or knowledgeable you are, but more about how you take others along..



Open Minded

In Change: Only change is constant Be aware that the only person one can change is Self. Seek feedback, reflect, and act on it. Stay persistent and conquer yourself. Show discipline, patience, and a lot of practice required to develop Self.

Be a Bold

In Belief: Be fearless & have no self imposed limits Believe in yourself & have conviction in your ideas. Step out of your comfort zone and be confident and secure in your abilities. It’s not what you are, that’s holding you back. It’s what you think you are not..

Fast Decision Maker

Think in hours and days, not weeks and months. Always remember, either you meet the timelines or you don’t. There is no “I tried my best”. Respect people’s time and never keep them waiting for your response. Respond without the need to be followed upon.


No relationship can survive without honesty and reliability, no matter what your title is. You should mean what you say & keep your promises. If you want to be trusted, your words must be honest.It is by trusting in each other’s ability, sharing common goals, and giving credit that one transforms a group of people into a team. Without trust, teams don’t really collaborate; we merely coordinate or best cooperate


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